Since a few months the contest of Miss Belgium has taken a very central part in my life. I felt like I was living a dream and since I have a competitive nature, I loved to make promo to get the crown easier in reach. Also the weekly activities where photographers were always there to make tons of pictures of us, was really something I enjoyed. I experienced things I never had experienced in my typical medical student life. It was really nice to be in another world for a few months, I am very adventurous by heart and I love to do things that are a little out of the box. Having photoshoots on a regular basis and having make up artists and hairdressers doing my hair is really nice.
Nonetheless, no one should ever underestimate the energy and effort there has to be put in being a Miss Belgium candidate. I was lucky enough to have holiday most of the period, but I am quite sure continuing with this during the academic year would have meant an exam period with some fails. Next to the many activities we do on a regular basis, making promo also takes up a lot of time. When you decide to inscribe yourself for an adventure like this, be prepared it will take up a lot of time in your life and you should also question yourself if you find it worthy to put your studies a little on hold if you get further into the race. You really have to want this, if you are just going for 50 percent, then forget it. It took a lot of my time atleast and I can tell you it was 100 percent worth it, but you just first need to make a priority check. Oh and be prepared to also have some budget, because it will cost some money, you can’t deny that.
(It is true what they say)
Here a small overview of some activities I got to experience.
7th of July: Press conference in Carré with presentation of all candidates for the edition of 2018. This is section of Antwerp where I belonged to. Dresscode: pink
21th of July: celebrating the National holiday at Plopsaland De Panne. Wearing bright pink again, unfortunately the dresscode of Antwerp. 
30th of July: Presentation at the clothing store Carlo & Fils (Charleroi)
3th of August: day at Famouz, beach bar at Knokke Zoute
6th of August: Day at Bruges organized by
12th of August: Election of Miss Elegantie
29th of August: Top 30 present at Waregem koerse
30th of August: Presentation as new ambassador for good cause Parkili
9th of September: Miss Vlaams-Brabant, Miss Brabant Wallon, Miss Bruxelles/Brussel with these lovely girls.
Looking back at it, I really had an amazing time which I enjoyed a lot! Unfortunately things come to an end and the reasons why you will discover in my next posts in the series of ‘My Miss Belgium experience’. I will also make a blog post about the whole show that took place the 17th of september. So stay tuned for more posts!
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