PATHOLOGY rotation medical student

Is There More to Pathology Than Autopsies? – Watch My Vlog to Find Out

Have you watched too much Dr G, CSI or Bones? If you are wondering what a pathologist does, you will get your answer in my informative vlog about this medical field and what you will be expected to perform as a pathologist.





More often than not, people mistake pathology for something related to performing autopsies only. In reality, there is so much more to pathology than that. Unfortunately, most of these misconceptions come from TV shows like Dr. Gee, which paints a wrong picture of what being a pathologist entails.

So, I cleared that confusion for you and made a video based on my internship experience on anapath (anatomy pathology) as a medical student.

In this video, I have talked about what pathology is. To give you an overview, it is the study of diseases to help doctors diagnose the disease accurately and form a proper treatment plan. 

An interesting fact is that the analysis doesn’t take place in a dungeon-like dark room; the pathologists analyze the disease in a bright lab (minus the headlamp ?)

Want to know more and see a pathology lab from inside to know what goes on in there? Check out my video and learn interesting facts and essential information. Don’t forget to leave a comment if you have any questions ?

I will keep posting more medical videos, so stay tuned if you want a peek into a medical student’s life to learn more about the medical world ?

Also a special thanks to professor dr. Ramses Forsyth, head of department of anatomical pathology of UZ Brussel, for allowing me to film in the pathology lab and giving me a guided tour.

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