VIDEO: Follow my week at plastic surgery rotation + what is plastic surgery?
VIDEO (Turn on English subtitles if you don’t understand Dutch language): Today I am
Hi there! I am Dr. Kim Detollenaere, aesthetic doctor and owner of 'Doctor Contour' aesthetic guide and clinic. I have been a content creator for several years, next to my busy medical life. Get to know more about me on Instagram, Youtube or check out the 'About me' page on this blog for more info!
VIDEO (Turn on English subtitles if you don’t understand Dutch language): Today I am
VIDEO: It’s been a while since my last update! I’ve been pretty busy lately,
VIDEO (turn on English subtitles): I had my OB/GYN rotation in April, which was
Dear readers, I have uploaded a video on my Youtube channel where I answer some
This blog post has been moved to the Dutch speaking version of this website ‘Doctor
Dear readers, I am so excited to show you the first video of my vlogs