Miss Supranational: Going shopping and watching ice hockey! (DAY 10)

Finally we got to do something else than rehearsing all the time. :p Or atleast after a morning of rehearsing we could do something else. We were already at day 10 and I was out of a lot of cosmetic products I needed to buy so it was really good we finally could get out of the hotel for once. These big international pageants are really really strict: we were not allowed to go out of the hotel the entire time without any chaperone and we were bound to a strict schedule. I was happy I finally could go shopping with the other contestants and buy the stuff I needed. Anyway, here again we had a tight schedule since we only had a good hour to walk in the shopping mall but I got to buy everything I need! But it was very cosy and nice to be out and no one less than the one and only Miss Supranational 2016 Srinidhi Shetty accompanied us!

I also got to see a little bit of Slovakia and the people there. It is really different than Western Europe where I live, everything is a little more old and basic but it really has its charmes.

After the small shopping trip we got to go to an ice hockey match. That was really really cool to see, I had never seen this before since it is not so common in Belgium! It was fun to see and we also got to see the misters of Mister Supranational, the male part of the Miss Supranational contest, which is also quite big. But like I said, they are very strict and we were not allowed to talk with them or make pictures with them. (I also don’t need that, I have a boyfriend 😉 )

And then yes, after a full day where we were quite tired when we arrived at dinner time we got to hear that we had another rehearsal planned until 22 o’clock! Busy days… But atleast you can’t say we don’t experience anything. 😉

Here you can see another compilation video of Miss Supranational of us watching the ice hockey game (unfortunately you don’t see me again a lot in the video…):

Watching an ice hockey game

24177056_938429862985935_4436139715554141349_nGoing shopping with the girls, respectively (from left to right) Miss Thailand, Miss Myanmar, Miss Singapore and Miss El Salvador.

23845611_1509383545835372_4941795418284400951_oMiss Spain, Miss El Salvador and me at the ice hockey game!

25520168_946406798854908_364117063_nMe and Miss China.

[wpvideo 8zV3W4Ty ]

Small video to show how it looked like. 😉


24130545_1509389522501441_947515275698953245_oJust a picture in group outside.


It is not the most flattering pictures I posted in this blogpost, but better to show some images than not! 😉


Hi there! I am Dr. Kim Detollenaere, aesthetic doctor and owner of 'Doctor Contour' aesthetic guide and clinic. I have been a content creator for several years, next to my busy medical life. Get to know more about me on Instagram, Youtube or check out the 'About me' page on this blog for more info!

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