Miss Supranational: pyjama’s party, trip to the mountains and another live chat! (DAY 11 + 12)

DAY 11:

We got another rehearsal day… Another rehearsal day from 9.30 until 22 o’clock, but the evening part got a little different this time. Normally we either rehearsed in gym clothes or even in fine cocktail clothes since it is an international pageant for something, but this time we all wore our most cute pyjama’s to rehearse in the evening. After that we had a sort of pyjama party, we had lots of fun (And made me sort of realize I should invest in a prettier pyjama :p)!

DAY 12:

It is always fun to do something else than rehearsing and that is why it was fun to have a trip to the mountains with all contestants together! I have to admit it was not so special for me to go to a mountain since I am used to going on skiing holiday since I was very very young but it was still fun. We took a cable lift and then got up to the top of the mountain where it was freeeeeezing cold (like minus 12 degrees Celcius). There we made a few pictures with our national flags included. 😉 It might not seem very spectacular to go to a mountain but for some people of certain countries it was quite special to see since some people never had seen snow before. 😉

In the evening I had a live chat again, you know the one that we got extra because our first recording wasn’t good enough. 😉 This time no make up and hairdressers which I don’t like since I tend to fail in it, haha. :p But this time I was already used to being live in front of a camera so I think I really succeeded big time! We also had some time to prepare our questions in advance which made a big difference in the quality of my answer and I think I really brought a good message to people.

You can rewatch the live chat here:

Live chat DAY 12

You can also watch a compilation of our cozy pyjama party:

Pyjama party video

24129704_1952932298056358_424911204210883409_nkimmetjexx24059450_1952932198056368_3200322541254333466_o23926646_1952935004722754_2167368608875246540_o23926536_1952932404723014_1379069136319905969_oA few pictures of our trip to the mountains with all the flags. It was so much fun!


23915776_1952347191448202_3933427048190740556_n24058757_1952348778114710_5068278118907515205_n23846018_1950157618333826_5690978938837374662_o23916325_1952349914781263_6703066140639716447_o23847524_1952349838114604_9214863092933660547_oSo cosy with all our pyjama’s on! 😉



Hi there! I am Dr. Kim Detollenaere, aesthetic doctor and owner of 'Doctor Contour' aesthetic guide and clinic. I have been a content creator for several years, next to my busy medical life. Get to know more about me on Instagram, Youtube or check out the 'About me' page on this blog for more info!

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