Goodbye exams, HELLO holiday + what I do to get rid of my breakouts (bad skin 101)

In this blogpost I will anounce some good news and some bad news.
First ofcourse starting with the good news and that is that my exams are over and that I have a big week of holiday!
It was again a quite long and busy exam period but the feeling you get after that month is over, is literally priceless. It really feels good to finally find some rest -even though the holiday could be a little longer for me but that aside- and to not think of studying for once. I haven’t really planned a holiday in terms of going abroad since my semester was so busy with Miss Supranational that I just wanted to rest and not make my small holiday busy again with packing and travelling etc. I just use this holiday to relax and lay back a little, which can also be needed sometimes. 😉
Anyway, I do plan to go abroad in the coming weeks/months, so that promises already some interesting blogposts.
Even though I plan to relax quite a bit this holiday, that doesn’t mean I sit ALL the time at home. I plan to see the friends and family I neglected a little because of my busy schedule, to go shopping,… And ofcourse I am very busy for the moment with my blog even though you don’t see that yet, but I am planning to expand my blog. Before it was a lot about pageants, since that was just a central part of my life for some months, but now I want to focus on other things. I will try to post regularly (atleast once a week) about some outfit of the days (OOTD), beautyvideos and just what I have been doing (if it is interested enough, since studying all the time is not interesting to talk about, right?).


I mostly spend the day at home reloading my batteries after these hectic last months… Interested in this sweater? Go take a look at the website of! 

Saturday I went to the opening of Atelier Exc, which is an evening gown store in the heart of Ghent. You should really check out their dresses, it is very beautiful!
We were welcomed with a glass of Champagne and some tasty appetizers (not to forget to mention the delicious dessertbuffet!) in a stylish decor filled with beautiful dresses. I am quite sure this store will make it to the top! There were also quite some Miss Belgium finalists invited, the current Miss Belgium 2018 (Angeline Flor Pua) and also some previous Miss Belgiums like Romanie Schotte and Annelien Coorevits. I have to admit it is quite cool to be surrounded by people like that, no? 😉


I know I just bought a camera, but clumsy me forgot to put the memorycard in my new Canon so unfortunately I don’t have the best pictures to show you of me, lol. :p You see, iPhone pictures just don’t work, but atleast you can see something, even though this quality makes me washed out AF. I am in the picture with Alexia Coussement, Miss Belgium finalist 2018, she is such a sweet girl! The dress I am wearing is from TNFC London, I initally bought it for NYE but didn’t wear it eventually but can always be used for other events, as you can see. 😉

Oh, and I also have done quite a good buy the last few days! I bought a new camera which is just a vital tool if you want to become a good blogger: no one wants to see pictures that were made by your iPhone, really…  So I bought the amazing Canon eos D200, a musthave to make good pictures (and videos).


The CANON D200 I bought, a vital tool for bloggers. To not have these crappy blurry pictures anymore

I almost forgot to mention the bad news: the bad news is that I have very very bad skin at the moment. And I think I also know the cause of that and that is eating bad food. When it is exam period, you tend to let yourself go a little and because of the stress and anxiety you just like to eat some sugar- and fat containing foods which don’t really have the best effect on your skin. Take then also the fact that I just don’t gain weight at all with whatever I eat, and then you really indulge yourself completely with the bad foods, because you don’t gain weight anyway. WRONG! Healthy food does have more effects on your looks than just gaining weight, so that is why I do a complete DETOX to get a better and more clear skin, and that doesn’t only involve healthy food.

So if you also have bad skin and you want to know how to get rid of that, then you should go visit my blog regularly or you can follow this blog by typing in your email at the ‘follow this blog button’ to get updated about my new blog posts. I will explain everything in a blogpost or a video.

Even if you don’t have bad skin, it is still important to take care of it, also when you are young and in your twenties. Did you know that how you take care of your skin now when it is young, has a huge effect on the look of it when you are for example 40 years old? Even though you don’t have wrinkles yet, you still make the base for the future. So I will help you out with that in one of my future blogposts!


Lots of love,




Hi there! I am Dr. Kim Detollenaere, aesthetic doctor and owner of 'Doctor Contour' aesthetic guide and clinic. I have been a content creator for several years, next to my busy medical life. Get to know more about me on Instagram, Youtube or check out the 'About me' page on this blog for more info!

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