Looking chic in a blue lace romper

Lately I have been seeing a lot more coloured lace fabric, or is that just me? Anyway, I have always loved lace in general. I don’t know if that is because I come from Belgium and lace has been born in the city of Bruges but I think it just has a feminine and soft touch.
It totally suits my clothing style… Add a little pastel colour to it and the look is complete!

Tell me, what do you think of this blue race romper? (I also am wearing a little cleavage for once haha, but it is still decent… I hope :p)




Hi there! I am Dr. Kim Detollenaere, aesthetic doctor and owner of 'Doctor Contour' aesthetic guide and clinic. I have been a content creator for several years, next to my busy medical life. Get to know more about me on Instagram, Youtube or check out the 'About me' page on this blog for more info!

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